...he holds me
.........spins me
...turning all
.......known into
.............a blur
never let me go.
... And
...... The blur
......... Passes you by
hold me
... As
...... He holds you
......... And spins you
.:A:. left the verse on the comments page of the earlier post, which completes it in a way i had wanted to but could not. hence am posting it again, completed, thanks .:A:.
My pleasure!
.:A:. ;)
So he spins two ???
jacno, he doesnt spin two but it take to, to spin, right. :)
anyway thanks for coming by. :)
Just like A:)
wow... lovely
nice work you two!
gs, sorry been caught up in life struggles, nice one, just hold on will you, incase his grip slackens;)
Theres nothing better if the forces on both sides are the same ie the one who holds and the one holding on ...
well its great. as he holds you, the blur fades and everything becomes clear again.
love the other photograph :)
Courtney and I are currently in Seoul, Korea. I wanted to say hello and I will try and post some pictures after we get back into our hotel later tonight.
Until then... Hope all is well.
Very cool, that you have collaberated on this. Great work, to both of you!
I love it! The RE-POST part 2...good on you.
Sk8RN, glad you find it beautiful, thanks!!
mermaid, :)))
small squirrel, thanks for appreciating it so. :)
Missy, ah darling, excellent advice, will remember when am in such a situation. these words are wishes for most part, so i am not in that 'place' you are thinking me to be, sadly.
Lorena, thanks Lo, glad you liked it! i think both of us have got the same romantic idea about love. here is wishing that we find the 'right' guys. :)
Jamie, that's incredibly sweet of you!! Looking forward to see the pix and say hi to Courtney too! :)
Neel, thanks! :) is it a coincidence that the shirt you are wearing in this pic is blue just as your name, perhaps you like the colour blue best....well just felt like commenting on that. blue is a good colour. :)
M, thanks, i like them too, i had not realised they would turn out like that, the camera shutterspeed was too slow i guess but then i got this abstract kind of watercolour which is better than the real thing. better than the real thing is a song by u2. hey there is a pic by Lorena on her page, its of two vacant deck chairs on the beach, it looks like a water colour painting, its beautiful, please see it, you will love it!!
Mitzee, yeah the re-post, that is a good title too, lol. thanks mitz, read about you being the local celeb on your blog, you better work on your signature now. ;)
That's so sweet. Nice work you two! :)
Thank you for your support. I like this and the picture fits along very nicely.
You both have a wonderful way with words. Nice!
Holds - spins - around - faster -blur - Looks like bowling a google to me.
That is truly beautiful.
i adore the collaboration, you guys. good job!
what a nice pic...it perfectly complements the words...and nice collaboration...hope you get to do this again...when creative minds come together the results are always interesting!
.....We whirl
......he smiles
.......and I am....
LOST forever.....
:) hahah nice one
:) (smiles)
Potted-Flower yes there is lot of spinning here. :)
Deem, Manjusha, thanks!! :) hope to see you around more often here.
Pecos Blue, thanks, glad you think so too.
bablu, so i know something about cricket, yeaah! :)
Nicky, trans, Anil thank you!! :) am so glad you guys liked it too.
jon, storms of jupiter...!!! :):) love your comments!! :)
Hirdu, thank you for adding your lines too. :)
Pallavi, Vasu, thanks! ;)
rubyq, thanks! it was sweet of A to complete it so. yes, there is romance and poetry in the most unlikliest of places.
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