When I sit down to write a post, I often worry if I am able to convey what I am feeling with honesty, in a voice which is my own and on top of that, hopefully in a well crafted sentence, not gratuitous (I have been dying to use that word!) though. Now my posts are merely a paragraph or two, maybe with a picture thrown in and so I am filled with awe for the intelligence and sweat of all those writers whose books / poetry I enjoy.
I am a bit quirky in the sense, that I enjoy, (its almost a physical sensation) an intelligent, honest mind. That intelligence might be in a song, a conversation, image or the written word. It gives me a high. When I had started blogging I had no idea, this would become a place for my daily fix for the aforementioned buzz. I have come across such incredible writers here!!! Phew! They write in different voices and I recognize each one by their individual voice by now. They write about their lives, their desires, their fears, and their points of view. The beauty of their minds shines through in their words and i enjoy reading them. Thank you guys! All of you.

However, I come across some comments on blogs, usually anonymous by people who feel smarter when they run down others and it makes me sooo angry! I wonder at these people, I wonder at their spirits. I am not saying one should only say nice things or not criticize but its the mean-ness which galls! Anyway they are small stuff, should not sweat them. So adios for a few days, I am gone tomorrow. ;)
You're right - it really irks me to see these vicious commenters who have such mean jibes but aren't brave enough to leave a name, even a pseudonym at that!
Have fun - guess you're off to meet your friend?
gulnaz, enjoy your break.
insecurity and anonymity sometimes make for a not so nice mix.
I look forward to your return and more beautiful posts. {hugs}
Gulnaz I feel exactly the same as you about blogging it is a constant sorce of insperation and joy. I love reading other peoples work it gives me something special to look forward to every day.
I think some people are unhappy and therefore tortured to begin with and can't cope without bringing others down, it's sad but it is behavior I have come across, mabey they have grown up with criticism and it's the only language they know.
Have a nice time were ever you're going.
Have a lovely break Gulnaz :-) Enjoy.
Since I started blogging in March, I've been surprised by the quality of a lot of the blogs too.
Like the looks of yours. Mine's in a somewhat different category, but I'm always having to resist the urge to post more poetry/literary pieces.
GS, don't sweat the small stuff honey.. and you're right there are so many amazing blogs out there- budding writers , smart , poetic incredible people, really nice to know and lets not forget you're one of them..:-) have a lovely break , take care.. xxx
Take care, Gulnaz. I agree with evrything you've said. Keep writing, and you will attract your colors.
you are true to your voice, which is more than anyone can expect of any writer. i always have a grand time reading you and i will miss you while you are gone. have a good break!
oh my did i make it on time? i hope you have a great time. you will be missed. but thanks for leaving such beautiful images and words behind.
i am also happy to have met such wonderful people like yourself.
take care gulnaz :)
And so, there was something about the pictures... Hmm... *rolls eyes*
Oh blah. You come back quick alright.
Ps: Missed you babe.
you are right gulnaz...
it really hurts when someone just comments without even telling his name
it feels as if it is an insult to writer who does not even tell the truth.....
but don't u think it is better than no comments
Well gulnaz...
I feel you have inspired a lot of us over here..Your blog..seems to be a meeting point for us...With your amazing eager to read others work and giving me courge have touched me deeply for one..Im sure feel the same...this blog has not become an escape from our real wrold it has become nothing else but our true world...
Enjoy your break! We'll be here waiting ... :-)
PS - Don't pay attention to those commenters!
Anon comments can be blocked by changing your commnet settings. But in the process, you might end up blocking some nice people who are non-bloggers. It's your choice :)
I am filled with awe at the pictures and paragraphs you post, leave alone writers. :)
Have a great break! Looking forward to more of your beautiful writing when you get back!
Hey girl, see ya soon again, and have a happy vacation!
and for the annoying comments, remember, there are more reasons for u to write than not to write.
You are right not to "sweat" those silly comments.
This was a beautifully written peice as well as being very poignant. I have been thinking of writing something very similar to let the writers of the blogs I read, how much I enjoy them. Enjoy your time to yourself.
Luckily there seems to be so many more good and delicious apples. Have fun staying up all night.
Have a good time away. Don't let those who say bad things get you down. I get angry too when others try and ruin a good thing. Keep up your good work.
Go easy on anonymous persons Gulnaz ! There are many varieties, some easy and some bloody perverts. I have some regular anonymous ones who are quite harmless and I never had any problem with them.
We have to live with them.
Dropping in here after a real long time...
I must say I nearly missed out on some particularly good musings.
Will be more regular from now on..
Keep up the good work!!!
take good care and enjoy your well-deserved time away. :)
ignorant people do not deserve a second thought. truly. they say these things to be provocative, and if you let them provoke you then they win. Best to just smile and laugh and know they are miserable inside. How pathetic.
and don't tell me ALSO didnthe glass painting...!!! that would make u tooooooooooooooooooo talented :)
You will find small people creeping everywhere - dont have to lose mind over them. Have fun ;)
havefun and comeabck soon,will miss u in blogville:)
Have a great time, wherever that you are going. Hoping to see you soon. Cheers :)
At least, you left us all with some lovely thoughts to ponder.
Well I just stopped by to see if you are back...you are really missed
Aww hope to see you back soon ... dont take the comments to heart.. delete them off and go on.. its your blog after all.. :) hugssss
Hello goodbye hello goodbye
hello hello hello
goodbye goodbye goodbye
Hope you get back soon.
Hope you had a good time.
Hey, love your blog.
Be happy.
Life is great.
Yours with happy hugs
Big Frank Tim Bim Wicky Wacky Toodle-oo Jim Jam Spim Spam
Talking Tolkein J.K.Rowlocker Tip Topper Piggy Puggy POO!
And that is a beautiful glass mug!
Great blog Gulnaz. I don't know many Indian muslim girls. Where in India do you live, and what do you do for a living?
And you have been an amazing discovery for me. A fine writer indeed!
Enjoy your break, sweetie!
First time here. Nice blog. You seem to be someone who's interested in photography. Check out my photoblog - snapshots2097.blogspot.com
Will surely be back here.
Well Its seems you are still on your break..Have great time and missed hearing your news
hey - havent been here a while. I have to work around my schedule somehow! Your posts are always interesting Gulnaz.
geetanjali- yeah, i went to see her and am glad i did so. :)
P-f, mermaid, deem, Sue, Deewani, missy - thanks!! i enjoyed my break. :) I am glad you feel the same way as i do about blogging. :)
Paul, Anon, Arsalan, Srikar, Maverick- thanks for dropping by and visiting. come by again guys and arsalan am ashamed to admit it, but i don't work for a living. :(
trans, jon- thanks guys!! love you for liking my voice. :)
lorena, nasra, woman, santanu- thanks! :))
rakesh- no, i don't think its better than no comments. :)
.:A:.- thanks for waiting. :)
finnegan- awww you are such a sweetheart. :)
Manjusha, thanks, painted it.
finnegan, i'm back ;)
anumita & nicole, thanks darling! :)
Pecos blue, jamie, russell, venus, neel- thanks guys, i had a nice time.
jac, small squirrel- :))
bablu, sameer, avinash, thanks. :)
thoughts, M- yep it was a glass lying around which i painted. ;)
Angel-A - am touched by that.
Maverick - you are right.
akruti, rajesh, :)
P-f & M, :) nice to be wanted back.
srikar, thanks for the invite, will drop by soon.
pallavi, good advise there. :)
patry, that is so sweet of you. :)
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