Monday, March 14, 2005

My first post

At last, I got my blog on ... blog, such a stout little word. Hardly something to shout from the rooftops but still enough to put me in a good mood. Somebody had suggested the idea of a blog to me recently. I was slightly unsure about the idea to begin with as my life is the most booooooring life there can be but the thought kept nagging me and finally here I am. Though suddenly I can't seem to remember all the things I wanted to write about. Anyway, the very act of 'writing' is somehow very gratifying....maybe it is sheer self-indulgence, well so be it then. looking forward to squeezing out every drop of pleasure from it.

1 comment:

gulnaz said...

Hey...that's mighty sweet of u...looking forward to seeing your comments here. :):)